As a helpful resource, use this budget assistant to help provide travel costs to your boss.
Average Flight:
Average Hotel/Airpot Taxi:
Average Hotel:
Cost for Transportation:
Estimated Trip Cost:
Budget Code:
Career Changing Investment For Your Professional Development:
$50+$50 = $100
$150 X 3 nights = $450
0$ (we have a conference shuttle)
Breakfast, lunch & dinner are covered
$1250 (per person)
As a helpful resource, use this email assistant below to cut, paste, edit and send to your boss.
“There is a league-wide sports design conference coming up during the All-Star break on July 18 at Minute Maid Park that the Houston Astros are hosting and I’d like to attend. This is a first of it's kind baseball design conference and many other teams are already on board. Some of the session topics are X, Y and Z. These would have an immediate impact on my performance and help me work more effectively, learn new techniques, ideas, concep philosophies, software & best practices directly from my counterparts. This is a unique opportunity to bring back a great deal of creative value to our club's Marketing & Advertising efforts. Typically design conferences come with expensive registration costs in excess of $1,000 so the value and return on investment is phenomenal. The conference mission statement says it all, "Gather, learn, return, apply...". Would you approve me attending on the team's behalf and have the team cover the costs?"