MLC CONNECT 2018 | Solider Field | Home of the Chicago Bears
mlc connect 2018 | Chicago
An exclusive gathering of major league creative minds & artists from around the nation in the pro sports graphic design industry. The objective is to connect these professionals in one city for an annual two-day industry conference. To learn, teach, share new techniques, ideas, concepts, philosophies, software & best practices - to inspire and challenge one another. To nationally network with creative leaders & graphic artists within the specific field of pro sports design and gather industry leading knowledge that can be applied to individual sports markets.
The MLC mission is short, sweet & to the point: Gather, learn, return, apply and share.
Topics will vary from inspirational/design (guest speakers) to tactical/branding (industry leaders). A unique 50/50 blend to both re-inspire and learn best practices. Essentially everything a sports designer would want to get out of a design conference. Relevant targeted sports specific topics. The tactical topics will range from logo design, uniform design, apparel design website design, stadium destination design, motion graphics, creative process, creative value, design presentation, creative sustainability, creative collaboration, stadium rebrand, clubhouse/locker room rebrand, campaign development, social media design, fan engagement, photography, visual storytelling and more. The inspirational topics will range from shared career success stories, art lifestyle, unique design approaches, career learnings, design inspirations, what are we not doing as major league designers, design trends, how do we stay relevant, design work life balance, the impact of visual communication, creativity sustainability and more.
As a helpful resource, use this budget & email assistant to give your team the CONNECT essentials
#MLCC2018 Key Speakers
2017 Attendees
Philadelphia Phillies
Boston Red Sox
Los Angeles Chargers
New Orleans Saints
New Orleans Pelicans
Detroit Tigers
Phoenix Suns
Houston Dynamo
Minnesota Wild
Seattle Mariners
Oakland Raiders
Miami Dolphins
Houston Rockets
Chicago White Sox
Houston Astros
Los Angeles Dodgers
New York Jets
Atlanta Hawks
New York Yankees
Toronto Blue Jays
Minnesota Vikings
And more...
Cleveland Cavaliers
San Francisco Giants
Indianapolis Colts
Tennessee Titans
Kansas City Royals
Kansas City Chiefs
Carolina Panthers
Sacramento Kings
Chicago Bears
New York Mets
Atlanta Braves
Utah Jazz
Anaheim Ducks
Brooklyn Nets
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Denver Broncos
Seattle Seahawks
Charlotte Hornets
Milwaukee Brewers
Pittsburgh Pirates
Los Angeles Clippers
Chicago Fire
Arizona Diamondbacks
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